Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Minnesota June 2009

BYU Idaho December 19, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Bahama vacation

Nov yog thaum 5/15/09 Angela thiab Kyle nkawv coj koj txiv wb mus ua si . Peb mus Florida thiab caij nkoj mus rau Bahama, thawj hnub peb mus txog Florida peb mus da dej ua si tom ntug dej hiav txwv nyob hauv lub palm beach uas zoo nkauj heev, peb tseem ua si tsis tau txaus tab sis peb xav mus nrhiav mov noj tso no ces peb thiaj los lawm.

Hnub thib 2, peb rov mus da dej dua nyob hauv Forth Lauderdale beach, yog ib lub beach uas zoo nkauj kawg li thiab muaj neeg coob coob tuaj da dej ua si. yog ib hnub uas tshav ntuj heev, thiab peb muaj kev lom zem kawg li.

Peb ua si hauv dej lom zem heev ces peb txawm tsis nco dab los pleev tshuaj ntxiv rau peb, ces thaum peb los pw hmoo ntawd peb sawv daws tej sub pwg kub nyhiab sab heev, mob tau 3 hnub mam li zoo.
Peb tseem xav xav da dej uas si ntxiv thiab vim yog lom zem heev, yog li no hnub kawg uas peb yuav los tsev, peb rov qab mus da dej ua si ib hnub ntxiv thiab, tab sis hnub no peb sawv daws hnav tsho da dej, kom thiaj li tsis kub nyhiab.

Hnub thib 3, peb nce nkoj mus rau Bahama. Nyob hauv lub nkoj mas muaj khoom noj qab heev thiab muaj txiv ntoo txhua yam ntau heev, peb noj mov ntau ntau tas mus li xwb ces koj txiv wb nyhav dua qub tuaj lawm. kuv cov ris tsho tsis haum kuv hnav lawm, kuv hais tias thaum twg kuv los tsev tso kuv mam yoo mov. Vim tias nyob hauv nkoj muaj zaub mov qab heev thiab ntau heev, ces kuv yeej yoo tsis tau li.

Thaum peb mus txog Bahama peb tau mus caij ib lub nkoj me mus saib cov neeg muaj nyiaj cov tsev uas loj loj thiab zoo zoo nkauj heev, uas nyob raws ntug dej hiav txwv.
Dhau ntawd peb mus ua luam dej saib ntses. Yog ib qho uas peb sawv daws nyiam heev rau qhov hauv qab dej hiav txwv zoo nkauj heev, thiab muaj ntau yam ntses sib txawv thiab muaj xim sib txawv uas zoo nkauj heev! Yog thawj zaug uas koj txiv wb pom hais tias nyob hauv qab dej hiav txwv zoo li cas.
kuv ib txwm tsis xav txog hais tias nyob hauv hiav txwv yuav tshav ntuj nrig zoo tib yam li saum ntiaj teb no thiab.
Thaum kuv pom hauv hiav txwv zoo nkauj heev kuv xav tias Vaj Tswv mas tsim hauv dej hiav txwv thiab saum lub ntiaj teb zoo nkauj tib yam nkaus, thiab xis nyob heev rau txhua yam uas muaj sia.
Qhov uas zoo tshaj rau kuv yog qhov uas Angela thiab Kyle nkawv nrog wb mus ua ke.
Kuv ntseeg tias yog koj txiv wb mus wb xwb ces yeej yuav tsis lom zem npaum li no.
Kuv paub hais tias Angela thiab Kyle neb nyuam qhuav ua neej xwb es neb yeej tsis muaj nyiaj los neb tseem siv nyiaj ntau heev coj koj txiv wb mus ua si zaum no thiab.
Kuv xav kom neb paub tias kuv yeej zoo siab heev thiab ua neb tsaug kawg nkaus li.
Kuv tsis muaj dab tsi rau neb tab sis kuv yuav thov kom Vaj Tswv pub koob hmoov ntau ntau rau neb nawb mog.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Interesting Week for us

This is Gabe. Dad and I went fishing last week. We caught a few nice largemouth bass. Dad and Mom went walking at the hamlet park pond again. Mom says that Dad was trying to teach her to play tennis but that it was difficult for her. Last Sunday, Ben and Anthony went to the branch with Mom and Dad. They put him at the nursery but he didn't like it. Anthony went to the science museum for a school field trip. Anthony says it was really cool. His favorite thing was the Omni Theater. It's a giant screen that covers the all the walls and the entire ceiling. They watched a trip through the grand canyon with it. Kayla and Mom has been trying to clean out the garage for spring cleaning. As for me, I went to Las Vegas with some friends last Sunday. It was a great break from work. Uncle Txiaj Tub (Lelick and Nenick's Dad) and Tij Laug Nom Txais from French Guiana came to visit us this week as well.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

What's new this week...

Hi, this is Gabe. Dad says that for the past week, every morning Mom has made him go on a walk. And that he loves the trail at Hamlet Park because there are always wild birds and animals on the trail. But he claims the walk is making him gain a bigger appetite instead of getting into shape. Mom says that she loves the trail walk especially the 3 cranes that can be seen from the new bridge they just built. She has been jogging with Anthony about twice a week but she has to cross the bridge while he goes around the entire pond in order to keep up with him. Anthony likes his new classes. The teachers are funny. Anthony forgot to mention something last time. He would like to announce that he got Valentine gifts from 2 girls this year, that's all. As for me, not too much going on. Just trying to keep up with the family fitness trend. I went running with Mom today. Still trying hard to keep up. Kayla is doing well. She is finally done with the baby shower. Ben is really enjoying the park. He has been bored because his mom has been so busy lately. So he's been spending more time with grandma. Eric is doing well too. He is just having a hard time adjusting to being bottle fed. He still won't take it so he has to stay with his mom wherever she's going. For FHE, we each have to individually contribute in some way to improving the family budget by spending less money. We had a fun FHE activity this past week. We all went to the park to play some soccer and play at the playground with the boys. We are all excited for Christina, Mike, and Kaleb. We just can't wait to hear updates about the new baby. We are also anxious to hear from Angela and Kyle too. I'm not allowed to say why. Last time I talked to Angela, she told me it was supposed to be a secret. Maybe I've said too much. Until next week, we love you guys take care of yourselves.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our New Blog!!

Hey Christina, Mike, Kaleb, Angela, and Kyle. We put together this blog to hear from everyone. Mom would like an update once a week if possible just with stuff like current events, FHE, and any special occasions or activities. As for us, we are celebrating Kayla's 23rd birthday on friday. We are having her family over for dinner and cake. Happy birthday Mike!! Mom sent a card out and we don't know if it will reach there by friday. So make sure you check your mail that day. I'll start with Dad. On his days off Dad and I went fishing for hours and caught nothing. We also tried to play tennis but the nets weren't up yet. We still played anyway. Mom has been working on a budget/financial planning for the family. It was the topic of our FHE. For me, I've not been up to anything much but the stuff I did with Dad. But I am planning for a dinner for Kayla and I. Kayla has been keeping up with the boyz while trying to plan a baby shower for her friend. She has healed up from child labor very well and even started working out. Anthony just had his spring break last week. His goal for the spring break was to get his driver's permit. He took the test three times. So maybe next time his get it. He just begun his last quarter for high school and he's very excited. Ben has been excited to go out more now that it's warmer. Eric is noticeably bigger and stronger but still very much a newborn. That's all from us. So keep us updated like once a week or something. Gabe